Becoming Better

Naim Ahmed
3 min readApr 30, 2019


For the past year, I have decided to make changes in my life to help me improve and become a better version of myself. There are many things which I and will try to implement into my life as times goes in. In this, I will try to sort of explain why I feel the need to do this.

I have always felt like if I am not moving forward then I am moving backwards. I’ve always seen it as binary. If you’re still then I see that as moving backwards as it is not moving forward. I have also seen even minuscule improvements to be a step in the right direction. By minuscule, I literally mean the tiniest improvements you can make. This may be as simple as being a minute more productive. It’s quite hard to put into words but I’ll try my best here.

I’ve recently set the goal at the start of the year to read at least a book a month. In the end of the year at the very least, I will have read 12 books. Now, what is the point in reading? There is no point reading just for the sake of reading words. This is what I was doing in the past. I bought a kindle bought a few books and I was basically using it to past the time while on the tram so I would not have to look up. I realised I had read a few books but I literally took nothing from them. This time around I decided to become more different. I have set out a goal of taking 1 one from the book I have read and implementing it into my own life. I have decided to start with self-improvement books so this would be easy to implement for me. There is no use in me taking in the information I have just read and not doing anything with that information. If it is a tip on how to make my life easier the very least I can do is try it out for a period of time. It may even be just for a day, but as long as I have taken that information from a source and have attempted to use that information I see that as a success. That is not dependent on whether I have managed to implement that tip or whatever it may be into my life as I have realised I do not have to agree or implement everything the author advises. Some things work, others don't.

I feel like you always need to be moving forward in life, never be content with what you have currently. If your life can be better, go out there and make it better. Not only learn or read something but actually, go out of your way to implement it. There is no point in waking up earlier every day if you are not doing anything with those extra hours you are wake just like there is no point in reading books if you are not taking anything from them whether that is a new way of thinking or changing something within your life.

Again I’m sorry if this is crappy writing but its currently 11:57 pm 30th of April and I said I’d write a Medium article every month so here we are.



Naim Ahmed
Naim Ahmed

Written by Naim Ahmed

So uh, can I call myself a writer now?

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